Monday, October 19, 2015

Alcohol & Accidents

Not all alcohol-related car accidents involve a driver who is legally drunk. Alcohol has a measurable impact on a driver's reflexes and decision-making at levels below .08 blood alcohol content (BAC). We have extensive experience in car accident cases. We know how to investigate an accident and prepare your case to demonstrate why you are entitled to full compensation. We have an excellent record of verdicts and settlements for victims of all types of motor vehicle accidents, including those where alcohol was a factor.

There are many ways to show that the driver who caused your accident was behaving negligently. A driver who is speeding or checking a cellphone is driving negligently. A driver who is impaired by alcohol is driving negligently. If the driver who caused your accident is convicted of DUI/DWI, that is certainly evidence of negligent driving. With or without a criminal conviction, Colette Heck can help you present the strongest possible case to get you the compensation you deserve. | (386) 253-3033 | | | |

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