Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Injured in an accident involving a tractor trailer?

While common sense dictates that a properly trained and licensed driver of large trucks will improve performance and reduce auto accidents, this isn't always the case.

In fact, a Federal Highway Administration study in 1996 concluded that the trucking sector is not providing adequate training for new drivers of large rigs, while currently, drivers with a CDL license are not required to have on-the-road experience.

Tractor trailer and commercial vehicle accidents are known to be caused by a variety of factors, with most serious accidents generally being attributed to five main contributing factors.

These include:

-Drunk driving
-Vehicle safety
-Driver skill level
-Load shift / incorrect cargo stowage
-Driver fatigue
-Overloaded trailers
-Oversize cargo

These all contribute significantly to the chances of serious truck accident occurring.

Knowing what to do and who to contact after being involved in a serious truck accident can be very confusing for many accident victims.

If you have been injured in an accident involving a tractor trailer, it's important to contact an experienced law firm to help explain your legal options and relieve the burden of pursuing an injury compensation claim. Contact Colette Heck Law today!

www.colettehecklaw.com | (386) 253-3033 | plus.google.com/112342627763158578314/posts?hl=en | twitter.com/colettehecklaw | colettehecklaw.tumblr.com | www.linkedin.com/pub/colette-heck/107/612/852

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