Thursday, May 5, 2016

Our Daytona Beach car accident attorney assists victims of car accidents

Car accidents are the fifth leading cause of death in the United States. Rear end collisions are the most typical type of case that Colette Heck Law sees. Failing to yield the right of way, and turning in front of on-coming traffic are other accident cases that are commonly handled by Ms. Heck. Other car accident cases we handle are crashes involving drunk drivers, negligent drivers running a red light or stop signs, speeding, and cars entering intersections from private driveways. such as shopping centers, without looking before entering the street or highway.

Although there are countless reasons why motor vehicle accidents occur, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) indicates the number one factor contributing to car accidents in the nation is distracted or inattentive driving, which accounts for approximately 80% of all motor vehicle accidents.

Other factors that cause car accidents are driving under the influence of alcohol or drug related substances, violation of traffic laws such as speeding or not stopping at stop signs, fatigue or falling asleep at the wheel, and lack of maintenance to the vehicle. In other situations, car accidents result from external factors out of an individual’s control, such as poor weather conditions, improperly maintained roads and highways, or a defect on the vehicle from the manufacturer.

Our Daytona Beach car accident attorney assists victims of car accidents in attempting to obtain compensation for their injuries. In order to best protect your rights, it is important that you contact an experienced personal injury lawyer immediately after your accident. | (386) 253-3033 | | | |

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