Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Drunk Driving

Drunk drivers willfully and needlessly endanger the life of others. According to the Florida Department of Motor Vehicles, 33,625 people were convicted of driving under the influence last year alone. When someone decides to drive drunk innocent drivers and passengers are in immediate danger. These cases are more difficult than many people realize. It is not about just reckless driving. It's also about tracing the beverage or substance trail back to the source to make those who foster, encourage, or enable drunk or drug impaired drivers.

Drunk driving is a third degree felony under Florida Statutes and is punishable in by incarceration. Under Florida law, drivers with a blood alcohol level of .08 or higher are above the legal limit. Furthermore, drunk drivers that cause accidents and serious injuries such as a traumatic brain or closed head injury can also be subject additional civil liability for punitive damages under Florida Statutes 768.762.

Damages in a drunk driving case include amounts for past and future medical bills, loss of earnings, loss of a loved one, pain and suffering, permanent disability and punitive damages. This is because drunk driving is reckless disregard for the life and safety of others. Drunk driving cases can also include claims not just against the drunk driver but may include legal liability from other third parties such as establishments where the alcohol was served. Florida's vendor responsibility act requires alcohol establishments to teach their employees to serve alcohol responsibly to the public.

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